Trendar Bengal Cats in their new homes
Breeding for Better Bengals since 1987
Thank You Notes From
Trendar Kitten's New Families

This page started 2012
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One of Trendar Bengals retired females.....
Hey Holly
I have been meaning to send you some pictures of Narnia.
She has been doing great we love her to death.
All of the family that has came in loves her and thinks she is so pretty and can't get over how big she is.
We just want to think you for letting us have her in our life.
And we couldn't be more happier with her.
She is still a little shy at first when people come in or if there are to loud. but after a while she will walk right up to them. Thank you.
The Robinette family. Feb 2015
Rima, my girlfriend was shocked
when she got home and saw our new Trendar Kitten in the kitchen where I had placed.
Rima loves her she will not stop playing with her and holding her.

They are beat friends thank you so much for everything you did she is a beautiful kitty and very playful
Thank You, Derek

Hi there!
Well, our baby had her first birthday and as u can see, she's doing very well.
She's definitely become one of our family and is always the topic of conversation when new people see her.
We are forever grateful to you for allowing us to adopt her.
I hope this pic brings a smile to your face and a warmth in you heart to know she's doing very well.
When we are able to get another Bengal, you will be the person we come to.
I hope this email finds you and all your "kids" doing well.
Drop a line anytime and if you're ever in San Antonio, Tx let us know.
I'm sure Isis would love to see u.
Take care,
Don and Cindy, 9-2012
update September 2013
Hey there! Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that Isis just had her second Bday. She is getting bigger and very muscular. She is such a wonderful addition to me and Cindy lives.
Isis and Izzit (our other cat) are doing very well here in San Antonio, TX. We always tell people about Isis, her breed and her parents..... always showing pictures and still recommending you for Bengal kittens.
We hope this letter finds you doing wonderful, keep in touch.
Your friends,
Don and Cindy Best

Thank you so much for all of your help! You have been such a wonderful person to work with. Professional, courteous, and one of the nicest people I have ever met.
I really appreciate you letting my family and I come to visit you and the kitten over and over again.
As you can see in the photo my girls love he kitten (Zoey). In less than a week we have given her freedom to roam around the entire house & she hasn't had a single accident.
I don't think you can tell in the pic but Zoey likes to nurse on herself when she is falling asleep. The girls love this and think it is so funny. She loves to play with her feather wand and chases Kailey all over the place downstairs to attack it.
At night she already curls up across my neck & sleeps right there on top of me. Thanks again, I will keep in touch!
J. Guess in WV October 1, 2012
Zoey is so gentle with the girls. As you can tell by the photo they take her everywhere they go. Thanks again!!!

winking at ya
Wanted you too see Bentley's huge spots close up.
He one beauty Holly. I thank you everyday for not keeping him as a show cat.
Bentley is my 20 pound beautiful boy! 🙂 & more loving than ever lately & so clam.
Hugs hope all is well!
Laura 10-05-2012

I think you will like this........being the Godmother of two of my children, (FlahsBak & Daye TreyDar), and Aunt to another, (Kalamity), I have your kittens page as one of my tabbed home pages.
I look in on the cubs every single day. So do my kids. K,F,and DT.
I need to tell you this....I also look around at a lot of other Bengal breeder sites to see what they are up to . You STILL have the BEST examples of this breed that I can find.
I have watched your progress over 11+ years, FB came here in 2002, and you know I did a few years of research before making that commitment.
Since then I have watched your kitten's coats get clearer and thicker, their glitter get more intense, their rosettes get more brilliant, their ears get tinier, and their heads get smaller. I fully expect to log on one day and see a kitten born up there that has NO ears, one brilliant rosette covering his whole body, a head the size of a peanut, and a coat that looks like wet clear coat you get on a car! LOL
You have made more progress than anyone else I can find on the web or in print, and I look hard using Trendar as my HIGH standard. I think you may have reached a point that is unattainable by most of the other breeders in the business. I just want you to know how much I appreciate what you are doing Holly, you have set the Bengal standard and you just keep raising the bar higher and higher!
Love to you, and all your beauties!
Leni October 6-2012
The MoMangy Spangy Gangsters
Leni, Kalamity, FlashBak, & Daye TreyDar
GammaFroo Always Lives On In Our Hearts!
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