Bengal Kitten Care
This page is a 'MUST READ'
NEW TRENDAR BENGAL KITTEN. It is written to keep you and your new kitten happy

Alert Trendar Bengal Kitten

HealthyTrendar Kittens
Bengal Kitten Price Page
Read about the use of vaccines and why not to use so many
Healthy Confident
Bengal Kittens
Trendar Cattery
Breeding for
Better Bengals
since 1987
Producing Top Quality
Bengal Kittens for you to enjoy

email [email protected]
land line (304) 982-5932, no text

This info is written to help keep a
smile on your Face
and on your new
kittens face too...
as you get to know each other...
for everyone
purchasing a
Trendar Bengal Kitten

OFTEN ASKED QUESTIONS... this is the way I do it is...
I don't like cleaning�kitten poop off my floor. I train kittens to use the litter box as soon as they start to eat.
I use pine pllet litter which is too large for the kittens to cover their poop.The reason for this.... Pine litter absorbs 99% of the oder from poo even when not cover. Kittens can still smell their poop when they get close to the litter box So they learn where to go and not make a mess on my floor. That's why my kittens, if you follow my suggestiones, �do not have accidents when you get the home.
Do your kittens scratch? Kittens have very sharp nales. This is because they shed the dry outer shell of the nail leaving the fresh sharp points. Kitten seem to shed their nails more often than adult cats. When first learning to play, kittens don't know that these points can accidentally scratch. I discourage this while playing. I also cut their nails often. They get used to this process making it easier for you to cut their nails ehrn you get them home with you
. If you try givng medicine a kitten it will spit it out, try to get away from you and if you don't let it go it might scratch you. This can be a real pain.
I don't like to give Meds. My solution is to breed genetically sound cats that are not predisposed to ailments. I keep them in a clean environment. While young they are not exposed to unfamiliar cats that may be carrying a problem. I check my adult cat's genetics. My kittens are from �genetically sound parents and are physically healthy.

All the kittens and cats at Trendar have dry food available to eat as they choose.
Most good brands with no grain or byproducts work well.
I am currently mixing...
Wilderness and Taste of the Wild dry food. To this I add a tiny bit of cat enzymes.
Morning and evening I mix in a bit of canned food.
[email protected]
Holly Baker in Charleston, West Virginia USA

Has begun and has been successful before leaving my home.
Often there is no problem at his new home, but....
this is the single most common reason all breeds of cat are given up.
It truly does attract the kittens.
When you are not home or unable to monitor him � ABSOLUTELY DO put him in a smaller room with two litter boxes. |

- You are making a lot of changes for your youngster. His digestive system is not yet fully mature . The stress of the move could make him have a loose stool.
- Continuing with the food that his system is accustomed to, this problem should go away by it's self in a few days, if not, consult me or your vet.
- Use the recommended litter, a change can throw him off in figuring out what it is. I recomend nor using clumping litter for kittens If it sticks to their feet they will lick it off and could get an impacted stomach / gut. Clumping is Fine for mature cats.
I prefer a pine pellet litter, but often mix in clay so the kitten will make an easy switch to either that you choose. If I suspect a problem I add a layer of Kitten Attract litter on top of plain clay.....
you should keep several litter boxes available for babies to find easily. - http://www.preciouscat.com/Â Â for more info an Attract Litters
- Your bedroom or bathroom is a great place to keep him for the first week or 2.
- IF he pees on your bed it is because he thinks it is absorbent and he is being clean...
Immediately buy a plastic sheet like a tarpfor painting. after washing everything cover your bed...
Place another litter box beside the bed in his path from the bathroom to the bed.
- When you let him out into the rest of the house he needs several more litter boxes....
Remember he is just a baby and will run and play until the last minute then he has to have a litter box close.
for temporary boxes go to the one dollar store and buy plastic dish pans or aluminum foil roasting pans. - if this does not seem to work... Get some CAT ATTRACT brand litter and use that ... it works
you MUST have litter boxes where he can easily find them for a few months. then start removing them one at a time. - Your Home is new, your family is new. While he will be exploring the whole house, he is a baby, and when the urge hits, he needs to find a litter box in a hurry.
- When no one is home, keep the kitten in a small room, put food, water and toys in there along with a bed and litter box. The less chances there are for accidents, the faster he will learn to continue good litter box habits.
- For the first few nights keep a litter box close by in the room where he sleeps, do not let him have run of the whole house when he first arrives.
If an accident occurs, clean it and sanitize with  a pet safe Enzyme Cleaner. - Figure out why an accident happened! stress or confusion? jealousy over or feeling threatened by another pet? being left alone? Pay attention and, when not supervised, when he arrives >put kitty in his special room to prevent this from happening again.
- If he is older and has had good litter box habits then starts to pee outside the box... he may have a urinary tract infection. Taking him to your vet to rule this out is the first thing you need to do.

a well behaved kitten is a happy kitten
the most common complaint about all breeds of cat
is poor litter box habits.
Here are the best tips for resolving a problem.
Please act after only ONE accident!
A kitten from Trendar is trained before you get it, To use pine pellet litter. It is only a baby and will run and play until the last minute, then it needs to have a litter box close at hand. Please keep SEVERAL small litter boxes throughout the house until he gets older and has better control.
Take your cat to the vet. Your cat may have a medical problem such as UTI, Urinary Tract Infection, that needs to be treated with antibiotics. (usually not the case in young kittens)
if there is no medical reason then try these helpful tips....
1. Clean the litter box frequently. You don't like to use a dirty bathroom and neither does your cat. Your cat may be refusing to use the litter box because it is smelly and unsanitary.
2. Try switching to a different litter. Your cat may not like the smell or texture of the current litter. Un-perfumed clay litter is often most appealing to cats.
3. Add additional litter boxes. Be sure to have one more box than the number of cats you have. For example, if you have two cats, have at least three litter boxes. Cats are territorial and may be refusing to share the box with rival cats in the house.
4. Try Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract Litter. This litter contains a special blend of herbs that attract kitties to it. Many cats' litter box problems are resolved after going through one bag of this liter. The litter also has a money-back guarantee. Expensive but worth it.... I keep it on hand for training stubborn kittens.
5. Move the litter boxes to a more appealing location. People often locate the litter boxes next to the food and water bowls, a loud, scary washing machine or in a cold, dark basement, which could be the reason some cats refuse to use them.
6. Take the top off the litter boxes. Cats prefer uncovered boxes. Your cat may be choosing to relieve him or herself on the carpet because the litter boxes are too cramped with the tops on them.
7. Buy a bigger litter boxes. Cats need room to dig and turn around easily in the litter boxes. Large, shallow storage bins without the lids also work well as litter pans for some cats.
8. Buy a Feliway plug-in or spray if your cat is using one area of the house instead of the box. Spray it in the problem area. The ingredients in Feliway mimic cats' pheromones, which will help put your kitty at ease and resolve stress-related litter box issues.
9. Be sure to thoroughly clean the spots where your cat has had accidents with an enzymatic pet cleaner that will remove all evidence of the problems. You may not be able to detect the smell after cleaning the area, but your cat probably can if a pet stain cleaner is not used.
10. put another litter box in the area where he likes to pee.
or put aluminum foil over the area. Many cats will not walk on foil.

Introduction to other pets

- Bengals are very outgoing and a smooth introduction usually takes only an hour or 2, depending on the nature of your first pet.
- I have had people bring their other pet and the new kitten is sleeping with it in the car before they get home 🙂
- It is best to have a special room selected for your kitten, laundry room, bathroom or bedroom that is low traffic area. This aids in litter habits as well as introductions.
- This will be where kitty stays during his initial quarantine from other cats in the house. While in his room, your pets will get to know each other under the door.
- Most people who have healthy pets and do not feel the need for quarantine any longer than necessary for pets to get to know each-other.
- If your pet does not readily accept the new kitten, hold your pet and play with him near the new kitten. This will let him know he is still your favorite, allowing him to be more open to the new arrival.
- If older pet is still not happy, it may be necessary to put new kitty in a crate and let your pet walk around the crate sniffing and teasing the kitty until they accept each other.
- Until they have fully accepted one another, be sure they are safely separated at night and when no one is home.

Noisy Kittens

- Your kitten may follow you through the house talking to you. He may be extra vocal when he can not see you.
- This is easily solved by talking to him.
- Never exclude kitty from your activities, except when you are not home and he is left in his special room.
- If Kitty is unhappy in his room, this would be a good time to give him a treat of canned food mixed in his regular food.
- Sometimes he is just confused and misses his familiar surroundings. A warm treat of canned food, lots of sweet talk and petting, and playing with an interactive toy might help.

Bengals Like Water

Not an accidental dip, Trendar's F2 RU4Real Enjoys playing in Running Water, and not just with a paw ....

It is common for Bengals to dip a paw and lick the water off. Iisn't it more civilized than dipping your nose in the water bowl.
Please be aware that Bengals really DO like water. Not just to look at. If you do not like a furry friend in your bath or shower, or if you do not think they should be playing in the water as you wash the dished, then you must teach them appropriate behavior or simply pout them in another room..
I am afraid the Bengal will teach YOU that keeping the toilet seat closed IS proper behavior. While a dog may drink out of the pot, a Bengal will be insulted when you do the dirty in their wading pool 🙂
Finding toys in the water bowl, or a wet toy in the floor is just part of life with a friendly, frisky Bengal 🙂

Do Bengals Shed, Are they Hypoallergenic ?

depends on how allergic you are...
This is a Note from a family that purchased 2 of my kittens, after their last 2 cats died of old age.
 Hi Holly,
Just a question... I had been used to vacuuming the furniture once a week, and daily vacuuming of the floors, with my other two cats. Is it possible these Bengal cats don't shed??
I can wear new black jeans, and there is little, if any cat hair on them. Maybe it's a kitten thing. Let me know. I didn't find anything on this subject in any of the web sites.
Penny    Â
My answer, Bengals shed Very Litter, it is most noticeable during spring.
For this reason, and that fact that they are easy to bathe, some people say Bengals are hypoallergenic.  This is not completly true...
If you are VERY SENSITIVE you must bathe them at least once weekly and clean your carpet and draperies often.

Are Bengals Destructive to Furniture???
not if they have a good scratching pad.... or their own furniture
and you keep the nails clipped...

Cat Furniture need not be expensive.
These samples are from $20 to $50. from local pet stores.
Flat cardboard scratchers area a favorite for my kittens and cats.

Early Spay and Neuter

All my pet Bengals are spayed by my personal vet
before leaving for their new homes.
This just makes life easier for everyone.
You do not have to worry about the surgery and
I do not have to worry about follow up paperwork.

early Spay
and Neuter
If your local vet says wait until 6 months old... call another vet or call your local animal shelter for references.
For more insight
read the comments belowÂ
written by Brigitte McMinn,
a well known
Bengal Breeder from CA.
Early Kitten Spay / Neuter Information
I have noted on several occasions the pain that is associated with the surgery to be great on animals that are older with the young kittens displaying either NO pain or MILD pain - It is amazing!
There is also the NUMEROUS added benefits:
*Kittens can go home and start the bonding process with new families with NO Breaks
*Kittens are LESS likely to be declawed as these are typically surgeries that are performed hand in hand
*Kittens heal faster at an early age
*Kittens are examined thoroughly adding to the other vet exams performed on your kittens prior to placement
*Kittens can put their energies into growing and not sexual maturity
*We have seen that ALMOST NEVER do you have *sprayer* that originated from an ESN
*There is comfort in knowing that your kittens are indeed altered and that you as a pet owner do not this responsibility
*Pet owners are thrilled to know this has been taken care of
*It is wonderful to be able to hand over the blue slip to the new owner at the time of purchase and not have to worry about obtaining a proof of alteration certificate
*It eases my mind to know that a kitten was cared for by my vet, the vet you trust and respect
There are other benefits that come about as well - far too numerous to list!
If your vet is unwilling to perform ESN - don't force the issue, he needs to be sure he can do it - but, he might be surprised himself! You may want to seek out a second vet - but ultimately you need to be comfortable.
(early spay section written by; Brigitte McMinn)
for early S/N vets call your local humane society or animal shelter.